Which Body Type Are You?

The most commonly used classification system and rationale is that body types are determined by genetically-based physical characteristics. Genetics impact our body shape from birth to adulthood, and although we cannot change our 'body type' we can make the most of what Mother Nature gave us through our diet and exercise regime. So you can't blame your genes for your diet going badly!
The body types
There are 3 basic categories of body types:
Endomorph Endomorphs are genetically predisposed to be "big boned" and have a more roundly-shaped body. The endomorph has the slowest metabolism of the three different body types and can therefore gain weight the quickest and easiest. This is great for gaining muscle and strength, but not so good for losing and keeping off fat. It's basically the complete opposite of the ectomorph.
Ectomorph This is the naturally slimmest version of the three different body types. The ectomorph is the person that has probably been very skinny their entire life and not necessarily because of a great diet or workout, but because they were born with a super fast metabolism. This gives them the 'ability' to eat pretty much whatever they want, whenever they want, and without becoming overweight. Everyone knows someone who just stays slim and eats rubbish - well, there's your ectomorph!
Mesomorph The luckiest body type of the three different body types. The mesomorph is the prototypical athlete, fitness model and bodybuilder. Where the ectomorph and the endomorph both have a positive and negative side, the mesomorph has pretty much the best of both worlds. They gain muscle almost as well as an endomorph, yet can lose fat almost as well as an ectomorph.
It is important to note that it is extremely rare for an individual to be a one hundred percent endomorph, ectomorph or mesomorph body type. We all display some characteristics from each body type although one type will usually dominate. To classify yourself you need to judge how easily you can lose weight - this will help you see into which category you best fit!
Keep it simple
After all that, the best suggestion is not to get caught up in the confusion of 'body type diets' – which do exist – but just follow the basic principles! Start with the simplest weight loss and health plan. This means eating protein from the best sources you can find, vegetables in unlimited amounts, low-sugar fruit in moderation, and good quality fats that occur naturally like butter, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds.