The Dangers Of Yo-Yo Dieting

With all the media coverage of the latest celebrity diets and crazes, its not surprising that so many people fall in to the trap of diet-hopping, with an outcome of heightened mental frustration as opposed to long-term weight loss success.
People get drawn into new 'fads' with the promise of 'quick', 'instant', 'guaranteed' results, but these are often centred around a drastically reduced calorie intake instead of sensible, healthy eating. These diets cause short-term water and lean muscle tissue loss, giving the illusion of effective weight loss. Lean muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat, meaning the more lean muscle tissue an individual has, the more calories are burned. The reduction in lean muscle tissue reduces the body's ability to burn fat. This is where the 'yo-yo' term becomes relevant, because once the body adjusts the metabolism to the reduced calorie intake and then the 'normal' calorie intake is resumed, any initial weight loss is often regained. It is also common for individuals to end up gaining more weight than prior to the diet because of the metabolic adaptation employed by the body during the restrictive period.
The psychological frustration caused by what seems like a backward step often drives individuals to try another drastic 'solution' to turn things around and achieve results quickly. The result is a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting!
So, apart from the obvious flaw of providing only a temporary solution, here are some of the real dangers of yo-yo dieting:
- Mental/emotional frustration, which vents itself in mood swings, low self- esteem and disordered eating. Numerous studies link chronic dieting with feelings of depression and increased stress, anger and bingeing.
- A higher risk of heart disease and some cancers than individuals whose weight remains stable even if classed as overweight. This may be due to reduced levels of specialised immunity cells.
- Long-term fatigue of an individual's metabolic rate.
- Increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures, due to the nutrient deficiencies common in severely calorie-restricted regimes.
- Loss of muscular strength and endurance and decline in co-ordination.
- Fainting, weakness and slowed heart rate.
- Issues with memory, as the stress and anxiety about food and weight may cloud thoughts.
- Dieting can in some cases lead to an eating disorder as a result of body dissatisfaction and constant concern with body weight, appearance and calories.
The solution to permanent weight loss: a moderate but sensible reduction in calories consumed to promote fat loss, while eating the right foods to maintain lean muscle tissue. A balanced diet and moderate exercise gives real, long-term results.
Date last reviewed: 16/08/2022