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Real Life Nutrition Questions Answered

Real Life Fitness Questions Answered

Emma Brown

Janet Aylott

Kelly Marshall
Fitness Consultant


What can I eat before I go to work at 5am?

I have recently started working as a cleaner from 5-7am. I have been getting up at 4.30am and having a snack of something like a cereal bar or Goahead product. I realise that these are not the healthiest and probably contain a lot of sugar. When I finish work I have my 'proper' breakfast with my family around 7.30am which is usually wholemeal toast with a poached or scrambled egg.
Can you give me any ideas of something more suitable to eat early before I go to work? I don't have time to cook anything really but need energy as my job is fairly hard work.


Our expert says...


You are being very sensible eating something before you go to work, even at that early time of the day. We all need to give ourselves some energy first thing in the morning, as we have effectively been 'fasting' all night and our blood sugar will be very low.

You are right that a lot of cereal bars can be high in sugar, which is not the best way to start the day. Sugary products will shoot your blood sugar up too quickly and this is inevitably followed by a sudden drop. However, not all cereal bars contain sugar and some are sweetened naturally with fruit juice. These will generally say ?No Added Sugar? on the front of the pack, as the manufacturers know this can be a selling feature. In the supermarket, you can generally find Ryvita bars and Fruitus bars (made by Lyme Regis) that fall into this category. If you have a local health food store, they will probably have a larger selection.

Other ideas, which are quick and easily transportable if you need to take something to work, include: fresh fruit (or dried fruit soaked overnight) with a small handful of seeds and/or nuts (just be careful with the quantity and calories!); plain yoghurt with chopped fresh fruit and seeds; oat cakes with peanut butter (or other nut butters); or fruit smoothies (again with a small handful of seeds or nuts). It is best not to eat fruit on its own, as the natural fruit sugars can cause a blood sugar surge first thing in the morning, and combining it with some seeds and nuts avoids this.

Hopefully there is something here that appeals to you!

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