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Should I eat less after a sleep in?

This might sound like a silly question, but if you sleep in, should you eat less food? I woke up at 11am today so that's a whole fives hours extra in bed than when I'm at work. Should I adjust my food intake to compensate?


Our expert says...

My thought is that if on a particular day you are inactive for a few more h ours than you would normally be, then it's worth cutting down your cals by 100 or so (which may happen naturally if you skip breakfast any way!)


Overall, people who sleep less tend to be heavier. A study at Bristol university found that people getting less than five hours sleep a night showed decreases in leptin (a hormone which suppresses appetite) and increases in ghrelin, a hormone which increases hunger. However if you’re managing to keep within your calorie allowance you’ve no need to worry, you’ll lose weight as normal!


Just for another opinion, I asked Dr Campbell about this question. His responses was the same.....


"The answer is probably yes. Less activity, less energy required. There is evidence now that people who sleep longer tend to be thinner. Conversely people who have little sleep tend to be heavier. This might be due to irregular eating habits in the insomniac, however it may also be due to hormonal influences...those that sleep-in tend to have higher levels of leptin, and therefore reduced appetite. The concept of a "sleep diet" intrigues me.........!" Dr Ian W Campbell


Hope this helps!



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