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Is going over your calories common at first?

Hi, I often go over my calories which I'm sure (I hope) everyone does, so is this normal for a first timer (and new starter)?Thanks Mel


Our expert says...

Hi Mel

Thanks for your interesting question - I can?t answer it accurately because we?d only really get this information from more people like you offering us direct feedback. Perhaps we should get a poll / discussion going - do other people find they go over their daily amounts?!

I think it's actually probably very individual - I've talked to slimmers who find it very easy and others who find it very difficult, I think the key thing is to carry on and try to get as close as you can every day rather than giving up, Any amount of calorie reduction is going to have a good effect, you just won't lose weight as quickly if you don?t manage the full amount.

As time goes on, new users often find they naturally start to change their eating habits in a way that means they are making wise, smarter choices. Then they find they are eating virtually the same bulk of food as they were before but far fewer calories because it's food with a ?lower energy density? (basically fewer calorie per gram!).

Another thing I think you could do is to plan your eating a day in advance - try filling in your food diary for the following day the night before,.If you plan like this you should find it easier to stick to your allowance.

Congratulations on finding us and I hope you stick with it, things should get better!

You are advised to seek medical advice before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle with an aim of weight loss. This website and the content provided should not be used by persons under 18, by pregnant or nursing women, or individuals with any type of health condition, except under the direct supervision of a qualified medical professional. The information contained in these articles, and elsewhere on this website, is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to replace, and does not constitute legal, professional, medical or healthcare advice or diagnosis and may not be used for such purposes. Continue...

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