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Help with buying food from the high street.

I am dieting for my wedding in December. This is the first time I am actually watching what I am eating in terms of calories and fat. After buying a feta and lentil salad at Eat and a salmon sandwich from Pret I was horrified how many calories both had when I punched them into this site. I am more horrified about the lentil salads calories (555 of them!).

The problem is both Eat and Pret don't mark any nutritional information on their sandwiches, salads or anything else for that matter. It's all down to guess work and I thought I was being healthy, guess not!

Can you suggest what you can eat off the high street chains that isn't fattening? I know Boots is quite good with labelling foods and their Shapers range is pretty good. But as for the rest it seems to be hit and miss. So what can I do if a) I forget to get my own lunch and b) I don't feel like eating from Boots. Thanks for your help.


Our expert says...


The only way to avoid this situation really is to buy sandwiches with clear nutritional labelling, otherwise I'm afraid you are taking a gamble which you might regret! I would recommend that you stick to Boots, Marks and Spencer or any other company who actually tells you what you are purchasing and about to eat. Most retailers offer a healthy option in their sandwich range nowadays. The other option is to have something like a jacket potato with a salad and some low-fat protein, if this is available.

If you wanted, you could do a little research and carry a list of healthy, low-calorie options in your bag. Prêt, for example, do list the nutritional data for their sandwiches on their website and this may be worth a look at if you particularly like their sandwiches: http://www.pret.com/menu/sandwiches/ .

The best way, however, is to make your own sandwiches. That way you know exactly what you are eating!

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