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5-a-day fruit

I really struggle to hit my 5-a-day - especially eating fruit. Do you have any suggestions on how I can get more fruit in my diet...bearing in mind there are only a few fruits I like?


Our expert says...

Hi there

Thanks for your email.

Getting your 5 a day can be a struggle, especially if you're not so keen on fruit and veg. However fresh, frozen, tinned, juiced and dried fruits all count towards a portion so you can be a little creative in how you fit it in your diet.

The most important thing is to get as much variety as possible - we should be aiming for a rainbow of colours to get the widest range of nutrients from our fruit and veg.

Try and have at least one portion of fruit or veg at every meal and snack occasion. Why not try a few of the following:-

Breakfast - sprinkle berries onto breakfast cereal, chop up a banana into your porridge, add tinned peaches or pears onto muesli, add a handful of dried fruits into cereal and yogurt

Lunch - have a salad, or a portion of veggies with your lunch, swap your usual dessert for an apple or couple of satsumas

Dinner - fill your plate with a veggie stir fry before you add anything else (add in any veg you like - carrots, courgettes, sweetcorn, mange tout....), have a fruity cous cous salad to go with grilled fish (add in lemons, orange, limes for flavour)

Snacks - have carrot, cucumber and celery sticks with low fat houmous, keep a stash of fruit in your desk drawer, keep dried fruit (apricots, raisins, cranberries...) in your handbag for a quick snack, blend a whole range of different fruit (and even veg!) into a smoothie - you can add things you don;t like as much, and mask the taste with the things you do like.

It's really about trying as many new things as you can - if you don't like a fruit in one format, try it in another (e.g. fresh pineapple or pineapple juice for example).

I hope this helps - if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Best wishes


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