Resolved to get fit in the New Year? 5 Tips to keep your exercise programme going

Getting fit and losing weight rank in the top 5 New Year's resolutions - no surprises there! So it's likely many of us have embarked on a fitness regime this month. Unfortunately every year, although we start off with the best intentions we struggle to keep our resolutions going past January.
Through working in gyms for years, I have seen the January 'boom' come and quickly go far too many times! As a fitness instructor, I'd have lots of new clients in January saying things like, "I really mean it this time" and "I'm coming to the gym 5 times a week from now on"... but despite the big promises, they didn't make it to the gym 5 times a week for very long. This is where a lot of people go wrong - they set themselves unrealistic goals from day one then give up as soon as they break the rules a little. The key is to make it part of your lifestyle and not see it as a temporary solution. So whether you're joining a gym, doing exercise DVD's at home or simply going for more walks, here are my top 5 tips for sticking with it in the New Year.
- Don't set yourself unrealistic targets: If you're going from doing no exercise at all to working out 5 times a week for 2 hours a time... it's just not going to happen. You'll burn yourself out far too fast and find the whole experience horrible. Be realistic, aim for 3 times a week to begin with, each about an hour.
- Have a specific goal in sight: It's really motivating to have a specific event to work towards. For example a holiday, a wedding, a reunion etc. As long as it's important to you, set your sights on a specific date and make that your goal. This works wonders at keeping you on track. Just remember to set a new goal when you've reached that one!
- Don't give up just because you have one bad week: I've heard so many people say "I fell completely off track for a couple of weeks, so I figured what's the point?". It's completely realistic that there'll be times when "life gets in the way" and that's fine. Just pick up as soon as you can and continue. A week or two off track isn't going to undo everything you've already done. The minute you make it all or nothing, you fail.
- Find something you actually enjoy: Exercise doesn't have to be running on a treadmill for an hour, it can be anything from dancing to doing housework, so find something you find fun to do. Go for a power walk with a friend! You can chat the whole way so you'll hardly notice you're exercising. Or try a new class like Hula Hoop at the gym... you might spend most of the time bending down to pick up the hoop, but it'll be good fun and great exercise.
- Remember why you started in the first place: Before you embark on your new exercise regime, write down what is motivating you to start in the first place, and then stick it on your fridge. Everyone has a personal reason for setting themselves any goal. So by having it to refer back to, you'll have a friendly little reminder whenever you're struggling of why you're doing it. This should be enough to reignite your motivation.
Good luck!!!