Alan's story

Start weight
20st 4lbs
Nutracheck weight loss
7st 12lbs
Current weight
12st 6lbs

Every member's story is individual and may involve a combination of approaches. Alan's story showcases weight loss success using Nutracheck alongside weight loss injections.

How much weight have you lost and how long did it take?

I have so far lost a total of over seven stone in weight. This journey started on 24th April 2024, so it has taken seven months to lose over seven stone so far. At the time of writing this I am 12st 6lbs147lbs79kg. (Total to date 7st 12lbs110lbs49.8kg).

What prompted your decision to lose weight?

Perhaps like most people, I had gotten stuck in the routine of eating and drinking all kinds of food and drink, at different times of day and night, which was exacerbated by working 24/7 shifts in my current full-time job. I'd also got into the bad habit of snacking on high-carb foods at the wrong times which piled weight on. Whilst I've always led an active lifestyle and made sure to exercise, the weight piled on and I avoided stepping on the scales.

I eventually persuaded myself to step on the scales at home and was both shocked and disgusted to see that I was over 20 stone and 4 pounds in weight! This shock prompted me to seek out Nutracheck to help me "calorie count" and keep my mind focussed on my weight-loss plan. I also conducted research on YouTube which led me to learn all about blood sugars, intermittent fasting, and weight-loss medication which I decided to learn more about.

How did you hear about Nutracheck?

I conducted a little research for one of the best apps available for weight management and came across Nutracheck so I decided to sign up for the app.

Has your weight stayed fairly consistent over the years, or have you always had to manage it?

My weight has consistently risen since my late teens, despite short spikes after trying all kinds of dieting. I never really understood how certain foods trigger blood sugar spikes until now, so my previous weight loss efforts haven't lasted long despite being very active in both my jobs, social life, and martial arts training. Having conducted my research and now having an understanding of how to manage blood sugar levels correctly I believe that I have found the "secret" of keeping the weight off. I have of course, also had the benefit of the Mounjaro weight-loss medication that helps the process in keeping one focussed.

Have you experienced any health improvements?

I've never felt better in myself both mentally and physically! My constant sense of well-being from the regular praise that I receive from others who can't believe my progress. I've also been responsible for at least six others who too have been inspired to lose weight themselves which makes me feel even more proud of myself. Not only that I can fit into nice clothes now so have completely changed my wardrobe to nice stylish clothes, which is something I couldn't achieve before.

How easy was it to fit the changes you made into your lifestyle?

It was fairly easy because I spoke to my partner and agreed that I needed to do something drastic to basically save my life. We agreed to throw all the junk food away and start eating only healthily together. I also eventually sold her the benefits of intermittent fasting and only eating between certain timeframes which she now adheres to with me, and I also embarked on the use of weight-loss medication with a well-known major chemist to help me on my journey. Due to the nature of the 24/7 shifts that I have to work, it hasn't always been easy to meet the end time of my intermittent fasting window, however, by only choosing the correct foods and making sure that I don't go over my daily calorie count in Nutracheck then it has all been manageable.

What was the most difficult thing about your weight-loss journey?

The most difficult thing about my weight-loss journey has been to remain focussed on only eating the correct foods and drinks whilst being away on holiday or at social occasions. I do have an iron-clad will-power, so for me, this hasn't been too much of a bind, but it's hard not to appear as being too picky, or fussy when amongst others, who always try to convince you to "have a break from it" which I've not been prepared to do.

How do you feel now compared to before?

I've never felt better. in myself. I can also wear nice stylish clothing, so I also look better, rather than living in tracksuit bottoms for the larger person. I've also gained more self-confidence to be seen in public without having to cover up a fat belly which I no longer have.

Any notable milestones to report?

Every week at my home weigh-in has been a milestone. I've consistently lost weight, quite steadily at times due to the weight-loss medication, exercise, and diet that I follow almost religiously.

What 3 tips would you give to anyone who has weight to lose?

  1. Be honest with yourself. Get on the scales and make a firm commitment to lose it regardless. Conduct your weight loss research. Focus on how you want to look in the near future.
  2. A healthy diet combined with exercise is the key. Consider intermittent fasting. Learn which foods spike blood sugar levels or cause insulin resistance (there is an abundance of videos on YouTube to help).
  3. I elected to use weight-loss injections alongside a quality app - Nutracheck (the medication option was explored with my chemist). By using these two approaches alongside each other I have been successful in losing over 7 stone in as many months. The Nutracheck app was particularly useful for not only keeping track of how much I was eating and when, but also to keep track of carbohydrates, protein, and fat consumption which are available to select after inputting your daily meals. I found this a very useful function to rely on so that I could continually monitor my daily meals. Whilst doing so I truly believe that the Nutracheck app has greatly contributed to my success.

Weight loss injections are a prescribed medication and should only be used with the guidance of a medical professional. If you are considering this route, speak with your doctor or pharmacist. As per NiCE guidelines, injections should be used alongside a reduced-calorie diet and exercise. Our goal is to provide a simple and effective app that empowers members to achieve their goals in a way that works best for them.

You can find out more information about evidence-based approaches to weight loss including weight loss injections discussed in this NHS article – Obesity Treatment

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* Weight loss is individual and your personal rate of loss may vary from any case studies shown on this website.

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